Who are some of the major customers using plastics containing Cardia Bioplastics resins?
What are some current applications of bioplastics?
What type of processing equipment is required to make plastic products from Cardia Bioplastics resins?
Does the feedstock used to make Cardia Bioplastics resins detract from food sources?
Is the starch used to make Cardia Bioplastics resin genetically modified?
How is quality maintained and assured?
What is Cardia Compostable material?
What is a Cardia Biohybrid material?
Do plastics made from Cardia Biohybrid resins have the same physical properties as standard plastics?
Are Cardia Biohybrid resins recyclable?
Can products made from Cardia Biohybrid resins be recycled in the normal plastic recycling waste stream?
Do plastics made from Cardia Biohybrid resins have a lower carbon foot print than materials made from standard petroleum based resins?

Some high growth applications of bioplastics include:

  • Renewable resource based and compostable film packaging, shopping and refuse waste bags
  • Agricultural products, such as biodegradable mulch film, plant pots and stakes
  • Catering products, such as trays, cups, plates, cutlery and bags
  • Rigid packaging, such as trays, containers, bottles and closures
  • Pouches and netting